Summer 2018

New program in 2019!

In August, MealFlour signed a contract with Fundación Contra el Hambre (FH) to do a larger scale train-the-trainer program in February 2019.

We are excited to be working with leaders in communities surrounding Colotenango, Huehuetenango once funding is secured. In early September, we will work with the local FH office to set up a test farm and begin optimizing the farm model to the region's climate.

Saturday brunches with MealFlour

In late June, the full MealFlour team (including our fantastic summer interns!) met to check in with the women at PEILE who started there own farms at the end of 2017.

MealFlour and the women worked together to toast the worms from their farms. We made banana pancakes, bean dip, and mealworms with limón y sal for a delicious Saturday brunch.

A fantastic Summer team

This Summer, MealFlour was excited to have 5 interns working with us. All are current undergraduates at the University of Chicago. Besides helping us with the day-to-day, they each took on their own long-term project.

Click on their photos to read four of their blog posts about working with MealFlour!

Hot off the press!

The season was filled with publications, and blogs featuring MealFlour:

MealFlour's Case Report was published in the Lancet Planetary Health in May. Check it out here!

We are also excited to be one of 50 projects highlighted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth.

Check out MealFlour's part in the panel on the "All Things Mealworms" special episode of the Ento Nation podcast from June.

Lastly, MealFlour was also interviewed by an Australian travel blogger, Sarah Harrison. Sarah wrote about malnutrition in Guatemala and the work that organizations like MealFlour are doing to help. Check it out here.

Presentations near and far

July 4 - The team traveled to Antigua to present an overview of our program to el Club Rotario de la Antigua Guatemala. 

July 25 - In line with our commitment to long-term sustainability, MealFlour presented our work to the new staff at our partner organization Primeros Pasos. It is important for them to understand the process in case mealworm farmers in the Palajunoj Valley need assistance. Primeros Pasos will also conduct long-term follow up with the women in this area who have farms.

August 15 - MealFlour gave a video presentation during the 2018 International Conference, Eating Insects Athens.


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